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Latest News
Yb blue MOT is found!
5:44 PM, Feb 18, 2025. Photographed through the top chamber viewport.

Rb 3D MOT captured.
Jan 27, 2025. We managed to trap cold Rb atoms in the chamber!
Vacuum chamber constructed
November 23, 2024. Onwards to ultra-high vacuum and atom cooling!

Bob joins the lab.
Welcome Bob Bao, an exchange scholar from the University of Chicago! (September 2024)
Welcome Etienne Staub, our new postdoc!
Etienne joins our lab after completing his PhD in the group of Monika Aidelsburger at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. We are excited to have him on the team! (July 2024)

The lab moves to 60 Oxford, M01!
Between moving laser crates and watching the solar eclipse, the lab moves to the newly renovated lab spaces at 60 Oxford on April 8, 2024.
Haley and Ken join the lab
Haley Nguyen (Quantum Science and Engineering) and Ken Shen (Applied Physics) are the newest members of the lab. Welcome! (September 2023)
Nicholas and Chris join the lab

Nicholas Lyu and Christopher Prainito from Harvard College join the group in the summer of 2023. Welcome to the Semeghini Lab!

Yi joins the lab
Yi Zhu, a G1 student from the newly born Quantum Science and Engineering program joined the group in January 2023. Welcome Yi!

The Semeghini Lab is born!
Giulia started her new position as Assistant Professor of Applied Physics on January 1st, 2023!
Her first temporary lab space is located in the Jefferson building in room J156. The lab will move to the newly renovated HQI building at 60 Oxford St in Spring 2024.